Enhancing Resilience and Adaptive Agricultural Livelihoods in Uganda/Shade Tree Advice Tool


The Shade Tree Advice Smartphone Tool is an ICT solution to advice Coffee and Cocoa Framers on shade tree selection

En savoir plus sur la solution

The Shade Tree Advice Tool is based on expert and local farmers’ local knowledge of trees in different agro-ecological zones. Through farmer interviews (a minimum of 100 per site) researchers ranked different tree species based on locally perceived key ecosystem services such as the benefits of shade for coffee, timber and fuel wood. The tool was subsequently populated with the trees ranked according to the ecosystem service priorities. The Shade Tree Advice Smartphone tool is designed for Android phones. The tool is designed to offer information accessible to users both online and off-line. The pre-loaded locally specific content gives the user access to best shade tree information. The architecture allows for fast data transfers and maximizes real-time data synchronization between web and mobile devices. The simplicity of the architecture allows for cost effective adaptation and scalability of the application.

The tool offers smallholder coffee farmers advice on optimal shade tree selection in coffee and cocoa agroforestry systems. The tool provides site-specific recommendations on appropriate tree species via simple graphical displays. The information is targeted towards extension workers and commercial farmers and other decision makers directly involved in sustainable coffee and cocoa agroforestry systems and adaptation to climate change.

The Smartphone Application has been populated with data from existing coffee research sites in Uganda in Sironko and Luweero.

The Shade Tree Advice Smartphone tool is designed for Android phones. The tool is designed to offer information accessible to users both online and off-line. The pre-loaded locally specific content gives the user access to best shade tree information. The architecture allows for fast data transfers and maximizes real-time data synchronization between web and mobile devices. The simplicity of the architecture allows for cost effective adaptation and scalability of the application.


Technologie de gestion avec un potentiel commercial limité

Exigences de Démarrage
Local knowledge of tree species
Coût de Production
Not available
Segmentation de la Clientèle
Small holder coffee farmers reached by extension workers.
Rentabilité Potentielle
Not available
Exigences de Licence
Solution en tant que Bien Public
public good

Images de la Solution


Solutions d'Accompagnement

Stepwise Approach

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