Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management and Best Planting Practices Decision Support Tool


The Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management and Best Planting Practices Decision Support Tool is an amalgamation of two toolkits (1) the “Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management” toolkit; an outcome of the Cassava Weed Management Project, and (2) ‘Best Planting Practice” of the African Cassava Agronomy Initiative project. The Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management and Best Planting Practices DST is a set of robust steps that guides cassava growers to make informed choices from site selection to weed control to actual practices on the farm. This DST is coupled with a herbicide calculator that enables farmers and Spray Service Provides to calibrate their sprayers to apply herbicides safely and effectively. When appropriately implemented, root yield increases ranging from 15 to >50% over yields from farmers usual practice can be expected.

En savoir plus sur la solution

The DST consist of the following six steps: • Step 1: Site Selection. This step guides farmers to select suitable sites for cassava production. • Step 2: Land Clearing - Slashing. This step guides farmers on whether to slash their farm or not and at what growth stage of the vegetation. • Step 3: Land Clearing – Herbicide Application. This step guides on pre-plant land preparation herbicide. • Step 4: Ploughing and Ridging. Because tillage operation costs money, this step guides cassava growers to make an informed decision on whether to till their field or not. • Step 5: Planting and Pre-emergence Weed Control. This step recommends planting procedures to growers and the application of pre-emergence herbicide. • Step 6: Post-emergence Weed Control. This guides growers on when and how to apply post-emergence herbicides.

(1) Best planting methods (2) Weed control in cassava (3) Root yield increase

Not applicable

Farmer training and Extension Agent engagement


Technologie de gestion avec un potentiel commercial limité

Exigences de Démarrage
This solution is link to AKILIMO
Coût de Production
This solution is link to AKILIMO
Segmentation de la Clientèle
Target stakeholders are cassava farmers, Extension Agents, Agro-dealers . Stakeholders can be reached through the Government Extension Agents, Faith based organisations and NGOs, Radio and Television programs. Stakeholders can also be reached through different digital extension platforms such as the '321' interaction voice service of Viamo etc.
Rentabilité Potentielle
This solution is link to AKILIMO
Exigences de Licence
This solution is link to AKILIMO
Solution en tant que Bien Public
This solution is link to AKILIMO

Images de la Solution


Solutions d'Accompagnement

The IITA herbicide calculator is vital for safe use and handle of herbicides

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