Stepwise Approach


Stepwise breaks down the recommended best practices that many farmers cannot afford to implement into smaller, more affordable packages that can be implemented in phases.

En savoir plus sur la solution

The Stepwise Climate Smart Investment Pathway (Stepwise) is an approach developed by the IITA research team in collaboration with partners. Stepwise breaks down the recommended best practices that many farmers cannot afford to implement into smaller, more affordable packages that can be implemented in phases. Stepwise considers specific agro-ecological variables and farmer needs and aspirations to guide incremental investment by the farmer in specific sets of, and timing of practices. This incremental investment is expected to subsequently increase coffee yields in a stepwise manner.

Informs smallholder farmers on the most efficient incremental investments needed to increase coffee yields and promote improved farmer livelihoods. Increases awareness and knowledge of climate smart agricultural practices thus contributing to increased smallholder farmer resilience. Informs public and private sector on more effective targeting of extension support to smallholder coffee farmers

IITA Uganda and partners under the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) ( is promoting increased smallholder coffee farmer adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices in Uganda.

Stepwise breaks down the recommended best practices that many farmers cannot afford to implement into smaller, more affordable packages that can be implemented in phases.


Technologie de gestion avec un potentiel commercial limité

Exigences de Démarrage
Knowledge of the approach
Coût de Production
Not available
Segmentation de la Clientèle
Small holder coffee farmers
Rentabilité Potentielle
Not available
Exigences de Licence
Solution en tant que Bien Public
public good

Images de la Solution


Solutions d'Accompagnement

Stepwise Approach is accompanied by Stepwise Smartphone Application available on Google Play Store with App name "Stepwise"

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