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122 Solutions found

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Motorized weeders for rice production (cut and bury)

  • Ernest Asiedu

Keeping encroachment of rice crops by weeds under control is a major problem for millions of smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) that clear paddy fields by hand, owing to the high labour-demand and large cost of this traditional practice. Poor management of weed is estimated to be responsible for grain yield losses of at least 2.2 million tons per …

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IITA Herbicides Calculator

  • Godwin Atser

Widespread abuse of pesticides (herbicides inclusive) is common due to poor calibration of spray tanks. Farmers either overdose or underdose during application of pesticides. The IITA Herbicides Calculator helps farmers and spray service providers to estimate correctly, the quantity of herbicides to be added to knapsack sprayers and promotes the effectiveness of herbicides.

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Foliar micronutrient addition for healthier rice

  • Ernest Asiedu

Rice crops need a small but adequate amount of elements like magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, manganese and boron to achieve high levels of grain yield and nutritional value. Availabilities of such micronutrient in soils are low across most rice growing areas of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) owing to the very old age and high weathering status of soils, along with insufficient …

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Engineered irrigation surfaces and water lifting

  • Ernest Asiedu

The root zone of rice should be efficiently and uniformly supplied with water from rainfall or irrigation so that resources like energy, water, nutrient, and labour are conserved, and stresses on the crop avoided. Proper delivery and drainage of water on rice farms hence plays a crucially important role for obtaining satisfactory levels of crop production and input use efficiency. …

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Aromatic Rice for Africa (ORYLUX varieties)

  • Ernest Asiedu

The excellent flavour and texture of aromatic rice varieties make it very popular with consumers and give it a larger market value than traditionally cultivated types of rice that are less palatable. Production of aromatic rice by countries in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) is really low and does not come near to fulfilling the demand from populations, what brings about major …

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Cassava seed-bulking farms

  • Abass Adebayo

Cuttings from cassava stems are the most commonly used planting material by African farmers because this kind of seed can be gathered from previous cropping phases and thereby allows to cultivate large areas of land. Distribution of cassava stem cuttings to growers is however problematic because the materials rapidly lose sprouting vigor when stored, and their sheer volume and weight …

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Semi Autotrophic Hydroponics for Cassava Multiplication

  • Mercy Elohor Diebiru-Ojo

In most areas of Sub-Saharan Africa cassava planting materials are produced through clonal multiplication, which involves cutting stems and planting these directly in the field. This process is however limiting the speed at which new improved varieties can be released to large number of farmers because it takes multiple years before sufficient volumes of planting materials can be produced. Obtaining …

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Cassava Peels for Animal Feed Production

  • Tunde Amole

Processing of cassava roots into food or starch products leaves behind large amounts of peels that create environmental hazards in many African communities because of uncontrolled dumping and burning. Usually on 1 ton of fresh cassava roots you get 0.2-0.3 ton of peels, with a total of 40 million metric ton peels being generated annually in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cassava peels …

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