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122 Solutions found

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Varieties for Better Nutrition and Stress Resistance

  • Dougbedji Fatondji

The yield of millet and sorghum in Africa remain far below attainable levels, and communities growing the crops are some of the most food insecure and malnourished on the continent. One of the primary causes of this problem is limited access to new varieties that are high yielding, bio-fortified, and withstand drought, heat, and pests. Recent surveys demonstrate that new …

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Mechanized Processing and Value Addition for Fish Products

  • Bernadette Fregene

Fish processing refers to the processes associated with fish and their products from the times they are harvested to when they are offered to consumers. Fish is a highly perishable food that requires proper handling and preservation to extend its shelf-life and retain its desirable taste and nutritional value. Processing technologies also add value to fish products by improving their …

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Integrated Aquaculture and Agriculture Systems

  • Bernadette Fregene

Integrated aquaculture involves linking two or more farming activities where at least one is related to fish-farming. This integration offers opportunity through interlocking production systems and recycle of farm waste, which provides households with additional protein. The basic principle of aquaculture and agriculture integration entails that water and sediment from the pond goes onto the crop for irrigation and fertilization, …

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Formulation and Pelleting of Low-Cost Feeds

  • Bernadette Fregene

Aquaculture production in Sub-Saharan Africa is constrained by the high price of suitable fish feeds. Between 60% and 70% of operating expenses by fish farmers go to feed input because their ingredients are either imported or blended overseas. For this reason, formulation, and manufacturing of affordable fish feed in Africa is an integral part of creating more profitable fish farming …

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In-Pond Raceway Systems for Fish Farming

  • Bernadette Fregene

An in-pond raceway system is a sophisticated aquaculture technology where optimal water chemistry is ensured by maintaining interrupted water flow and waste disposal management, allowing for a high density of fish stocking. Traditional fish farming is land and labor intensive. For instance, catfish farming in static ponds typically yields only 4,500 to 5,500 kg ha-1. Production is more efficient and …

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Flow-Through and Recirculatory Water Systems for Fish Tanks

  • Bernadette Fregene

A recirculatory aquaculture system is a technology where water is recycled after filtration to remove suspended matter. This method is used for higher density culture of fish, allowing for maximum use of limited land and water. Water movement into and out of the tank maintains peak water quality conditions despite dense stocking rates. As water passes into the tank it …

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Tank and Cage Systems for Fish Culturing

  • Bernadette Fregene

Tanks are enclosures placed on land to culture fish that are suitable for intensive production near urban centers with high market demand. Tank culture is a preferred alternative to ponds if limited amounts of water or land is available and the economics are favorable. Cage culture production involves growing of fish inside floating netted containers that are suspended within larger …

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Hapa Nets for Mass Fingerling Hatchery Production

  • Bernadette Fregene

Inadequate supply of high-grade fingerlings from improved fish breeds is one of the main constraints to the expansion of the aquaculture industry across Sub-Saharan Africa. Poor and uneven growth rates, and high fingerling mortality present major limitations in open ponds. Birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even aquatic insects can cause massive losses in stocks of young fish. Artisanal and commercial hatcheries …

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