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122 Solutions disponibles

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Variétés Résistantes à la Sécheresse et aux Virus

  • Paul Demo

Des cultivars de patate douce à chair orange (PDCO) d'Afrique subsaharienne ont été identifiés et sélectionnés. Ils sont plus adaptés à la sécheresse et aux stress thermiques, et d'autres résistent aux infections causées par des virus courants qui affectent la culture. Un certain nombre de variétés hybrides de PDCO ont été développées et dont la maturité de récolte est de …


La Patate Douce à Chair Orange pour Aliments Nutritifs

  • Paul Demo

Une gamme de variétés bio-fortifiées de patate douce à chair orange (PDCO) a été développée pour les systèmes agricoles de l’Afrique sub-saharienne. Elles possèdent des caractéristiques importantes au niveau local, telles qu'une teneur accrue en bêta-carotène et en fer, résistance aux virus et à la sécheresse, survie de la vigne, teneur élevée en matière sèche, faible teneur en sucre, salinité …


Cassava Business Connector (CBC)

  • Adebayo Abass

The cassava value chain is characterized by a communication gap between the value chain actors, leading to weak market linkage. Producers often do not know about the buyers, and the buyers do not know about the producers. Weak market linkage often creates an artificial gap in demand-supply and sometimes a glut effect. Resolving this problem requires efficient integration of value …


Nuru for in-field Pest/Disease Diagnosis

  • David Hughes

PlantVillage Nuru is a smartphone app which uses artificial intelligence to deliver instant offline diagnosis of symptoms of major crop damage caused by diseases and pests. Its first application was for the cassava diseases/pests: cassava mosaic disease, cassava brown streak disease and cassava green mite. It can also be used to detect damage caused to maize by fall armyworm, and …


Mechanized Drying of Cassava using Flash Dryers (Pneumatic Dryers)

  • Adebayo Abass

The most important unit operation in the processing of cassava roots to value-added products is drying. Dryers are used to convert cassava mash to floury/powdery products. Among the different dryers, flash dryers have the shortest residence time of drying, are the most economical and widely used drying system for solids that have been dewatered or inherently have low moisture content. …


Mechanized Cassava Planting and Harvesting

  • Adebayo Abass

With yields as low as 10 t/ha, cassava farmers in Africa are not competitive in the global market. To be competitive, a minimum yield of 25 t/ha is expected. However, to get higher yields and greater economic benefits, improved management practices will be required. Mechanization of the cassava production system, the use of fertilizers, control of weeds, and the use …


Waxing of fresh cassava roots to extend the shelf-life and increase marketability

  • Adebayo Abass

One of the major challenges facing cassava root trade is the rapid postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) of the roots which normally occurs within two days of harvest. This results into short marketing period, discounted prices, losses in income to growers and traders, and reduced utilization and food security. Waxing of cassava roots, using safe wax and fungicides approved in the …


Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management and Best Planting Practices Decision Support Tool

  • ACAI

The Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management and Best Planting Practices Decision Support Tool is an amalgamation of two toolkits (1) the “Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management” toolkit; an outcome of the Cassava Weed Management Project, and (2) ‘Best Planting Practice” of the African Cassava Agronomy Initiative project. The Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management and Best Planting Practices …
